We ship customer's order through USPS. All transactions are in US Dollars only. We determine shipping costs by the weight and the price will appear when you add an item to your shopping cart. We do not accept a P.O. Box as a mailing address.
We will do our best to process your order as soon as possible. Orders are usually shipped the same day or the next day, but if there is a weekend or holiday, they will be shipped the day after the holiday. Shipping is usually from Torrance, CA 90505 USA. The delivery time depends on the convenience of the USPS. Regular orders are shipped in USPS First Class, but customers can choose Priority Mail.
Whether or not the product package shipped from ACUVANCE has arrived will be determined based on the results of the delivery confirmation of each carrier such as USPS, UPS, FedEx etc. ACUVANCE is not responsible for any loss, delay and damage after shipping of the package.
if you have any concern about our shipping & handling service, please contact us at cs@acuvance-usa.com
ACUVANCE USA / operated by Gravity Connection Inc.
23446 ANZA AV. Ste A,. TORRANCE CA. 90505 USA